- 8th Grade Promotion
- Academic Teams
- All Donations
- Device Accessories
- Device Coverage~EPIC
- Device Coverage~RIHS
- Device Coverage~RiTechA
- Device Coverage~STEAM
- Device Replacement
- K9 Officer Donation - River Islands Academies
- Music Lessons
- Outdoor Education - 5th Gr
- Outdoor Education - 6th Gr
- RiTechA Running Club
- Sports Donations
- Uniform Shirt
All Donations
We are pleased that you are part of the volunteer team at River Islands Technology Academy and River Islands STEAM Academy. It is our belief that volunteering for the school program and/or volunteering to provide financial assistance is beneficial to everyone involved. It is this support that will make your child's educational experience EXCEPTIONAL.
In our compact with parents we ask that parents volunteer 5 hours per month/per student in a variety of capacities: doing work from home; acting as tutors/mentors; providing assistance in the classroom; assisting in the school's main office or library/media center; assisting on the playground, organizing fundraising efforts; assisting on field trips, etc. Each volunteer will need to follow the Volunteer Registration Process which will be on the website soon.
In lieu of time or in addition to time, parents are asked to support school activities by making a donation of $25.00 (or more) per month/per child. This financial support will enable the River Islands team to: plan learning experiences off-site; hire personnel to provide enrichment activities during school time; purchase materials and supplies that will add to the richness of the learning experience, such as, additional PE equipment, printer ink, Apps for the devices, etc.
You can make your financial contributions in the office by cash or credit card or through one of our secure links below.